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Holistic Beauty Workshops

​​​​​​I started offering holistic beauty workshops as an intuitive addition to my private lessons, making room and holding space for finding pleasure and self nourishment through meaningful interactions and deep conversations amidst the current noise. Maybe now more than ever we need to (re)learn how to be in communities and hold space for one another, we need extended moments of focus and presence, and reconnect with nature in all of its forms. The workshops are the embodiment of my own values, love of nature, multi-faceted creativity, lifestyle and aspirations, and I am super excited and curious of how they’ll evolve further, of how we’ll evolve together. They are my soul project and one powerful medium through which I feel I can contribute and make a difference towards women’s health and wellbeing, by helping them heal their skin from the inside out, while also shifting a few sticky mindsets and narratives along the way.

In my countless interactions with the women in my make-up chair (although not necessarily restricted to this context) I hear how so many are struggling with their skin, in various forms, but what I also hear, which is even more important, is a lack of confidence in regards to the healing power of their skin, a confusion on what else they should be trying (often focusing on just products or dermatology prescriptions), and a general helplessness and unawareness of what the underlying causes of their symptoms or struggles might be. I am also seeing and hearing women looking for the perfect product (be it mainstream or green) to magically erase the issues with their skin (or their feelings of disconnect and not belonging, for that matter), while their nutrition and overall relationship to food, their exposure to toxicity (be it the beauty and household products they use, the food they eat or the environments and people they expose themselves to) and their emotional health are questionable to say the least. There's a rush to fix oneself (whether it's about something visible or not), but little to no space for deeper breaths, for sustained meaningful relationships, for permission to rest or allowing oneself to be in an ongoing (healing) process.

I also see women allowing others to define or distort their perception of beauty, hence they start questioning their worth, individuality and inner value, while adhering to TRENDS, INFLUENCERS, NARROW BEAUTY STANDARDS and fear-mongering MARKETING TACTICS.


There’s a polarity to how we perceive beauty nowadays. It’s either dismissed as trivial and shallow or, to the other extreme, there’s an almost addictive focus on external beauty, an urgency and a pressure to conform to standards and defeat age. I am a container of none. I have a sense and a growing awareness of the fact that I’m here to find and plant the seed of a middle ground. I want you to live and leave these workshops with a sense of awe, curiosity, playfulness and gentleness in regards to the beauty in and out of yourself. And to remember that HEALING (your body, skin or soul) is rarely, if ever, about FIXING or finding the PERFECT, IRREFUTABLE ANSWER.

What does beauty truly mean to you? What makes you feel beautiful? How do you cultivate beauty in your own being and life? These are some REAL questions I invite you to reflect upon, and that we will be addressing, with openness and gentleness, during my workshops.​​​

Upcoming workshops​​

Stay tuned for even more workshops that will be ready to book soon:

🫐 Acne: skin care, nutrition and lifestyle. Co-hosted with Emilia Papadopoullos — Nov 2, 2024

🫐 Winter skin. Body, mind and soul nourishment during the cold season. — Dec 8, 2024

🫐 Christmas special: Food as medicine during the cold season. Fun & easy recipes, herbal healers, healthy treats and connection. — Dec 21, 2024​​​

What you can expect from my beauty workshops​

🌱 An opportunity to connect deeper with your individual needs and the needs of others in a cosy, creative and uplifting space.
🌱 An invitation to explore alternative ways of seeing and expressing beauty.
🌱 An experience for all senses with a focus on beauty-beyond-the-surface and authentic interactions.
🌱 A playful and colourful way to engage with food through my homemade healthy treats.
🌱 A chance to learn about the power of plant based beauty and how to incorporate it in your skin care rituals.
🌱 A mindful gift you can offer yourself or a loved one, and an immersive experience amidst the present noise.
🌱 A fun and engaging, but also grounding way to spend a Saturday/Sunday morning.
🌱 A call to togetherness, letting go and slowing down.

​What my beauty workshops won’t be like

🔴 A lecture with bullet points and powerpoint presentations where I am the teacher and you the students taking notes. There’s going to be frequent interaction and I encourage you to pay attention to your breathing, share your struggles and learn from others as well.
🔴 A place for diagnosis or rigid recommendations.
🔴 An opportunity to hear about quick fixes.

​What you will get out of it

⭐ A mind-body-spirit approach to understanding and loving your skin.
⭐ The opportunity to be specific on your individual journey and the challenges you are currently facing in regards to your (skin) health. Having your needs heard.
⭐ Learning about the rituals, tools and practices I use to keep my health in balance.
⭐ The opportunity to go beyond the surface and address the cause of a skin issue.
⭐ Learn more about food as medicine and indulge your taste buds with my homemade healthy treats.
⭐ I am doing a DEMO with most of my workshops, so you’ll have the opportunity to experience a makeover preceded by a mini skin cleansing and massage ritual.
⭐ The benefits of a private lesson, plus the interaction with a small group. All workshops will have a maximum of 6 participants, so there's space for individual nurturing.
⭐ A follow-up email with notes from the workshop, as well as custom product recommendations based on your individual questions and concerns.

My aim is to address a variety of needs, so I will be delving into a different topic with each workshop I organise (from sensitive skin, gut health, acne or mature skin, to seasonal living and food as medicine), while the core and format of the workshops will be staying the same, as that’s the foundation on which they were built upon. I also organise custom workshops with you being the co-creator: bring a group of friends (it’s always fun and healing when shared with friends) and a topic of choice to the table, and I will be addressing it on the day. Contact me directly on if that’s something you'd be drawn to.


How my participants felt about these experiences​​​

Laura’s workshop was exactly the gentle, conscious slow start to spring that I needed. Laura has a unique way of making a peaceful, nurturing space for her workshop guests, I felt really cared for through the food she prepared and the welcoming environment she created.

I learned so much from Laura in terms of small, actionable changes to my skincare routine - her advice was very nuanced and tailored to each guest’s individual needs which feels like a really generous and unique thing to offer.

Laura’s workshop was exactly the gentle, conscious slow start to spring that I needed. Laura has a unique way of making a peaceful, nurturing space for her workshop guests, I felt really cared for through the food she prepared and the welcoming environment she created.

Sarah Brand

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